miautsch @ 2008-10-20T15: 28:00
Today first day bogy \u0026lt;3
but only the ma we. I really wanted to do anything with vivi. habs me but then changed his mind because the wanted to go drinking again and I really do not! stupid to sit around and drink is not exactly great Sun net employment. if you then at least in nem club or anywhere else is, and then drinks and then a wicked mood is is of something else. But just stupid drunk .. ne du ... so I completely forgot to call back and accidentally shcrieben back. UPS. naja. I wanted to shorten the contact bissl n eh .. that is ... actually cut more go ga nicht.egal. I was in the city, was also great weather here, as always, sunny sky and bleu guaranteed goods since Thursday week. simply fantastic. since one has to go right out lust. stuttgart gabs then equal ma handbags clearance sale at peek and Kloppenburg \u0026lt;3 .. but unfortunately I had only 50 euros there and I had to buy the gift nochn fio because the etz on Friday celebrating. So the many great gaaaaanz handbags times "overlooked" heul ..* * ... only then fios ma bought gift. was still some residual money. I would still buy n sweater. I've then found one. search for hours on end. but I am now glücklcih "with him 3rd so pretty. But not cheap. then I ran out of money. h & m is so so expensive ... I'm in and out again immediately. dude I can brand me now .. this happens to be on the bissl also nimma on. and since then I've always more selection than the h & m then so come home at four again. on sunday I was in love with my skating Eltan cell bissl there are so very pretty ne ... the track is just great. I have so much taken off in recent weeks \u0026lt;3 my thighs are not yet as I want it ... I have to work even more. but I now weigh only 50 kg. 48th and I will So nothing around so much though ... .. actually I was never really fat ... I think only that I "am. Well .. my figure is not perfect. I'm just not satisfied. and will stop working so long.
today bogy first day was simply great \u0026lt;3 I am so happy shcon dadrauf all the time. So in a week. this morning arrived at the hospital erstma-hab then immediately taken from the sophie meina class (ga knew that the net because its actions) and then still something just from the para XD cool: D which reminds me Vonna somehow her art at suki. full of the nice. erstma then divide our nurses gekrigt XD fully sweet. but proper dress. I had braids two. XDDD gekrigt essnsmarken and n locker. Then There Were ne briefing on the stations ^ ^ I'm Aufa surgery with one .. the other is to aba na station and the inner sophie is in the ... full of all kind. then also have instructions and everything XD gekrigt was totally cool. and fully chillig. hardly strenuous. bissl through the area to help run here and there. by 2 I was allowed then go with the others. by 12 gabs ESSN also mitn other. ahhh the week is cool \u0026lt;3 and then vacation. supi! and my station is so one sooooooooo geiler typ! old!
he is also an intern, doing to bissl older than me because after that it really makes training and stuff. but so sweet. Wow. has talked with me bissl and such. full of nice guy. Now I've
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