miautsch @ 2008-09-03T17: 27:00
XD I was then in the last nochma batman film.
yes .. I can have non. since we are now but we fahrn on non-NBA after warning yesterday so ... yeah .. but then in Stuggi - I really want me then Now NEN coat (which was great) but my mudda was with price of 140 € non ...__-__ quite agree, unfortunately. we then agreed on NEN other for half the price. and so ne tollige pants \u0026lt;3 ... Oo I knew that even non suits me 34 - no shit. antscheinend I have yet again taken bissl. Well .. so we have the jacket and pants for the time being not be bought because we wanted to gaze even more ... yes .. then we sin at the cinema came by .... and i had to behold when the film ld runs ... it was 3:30 and the film had started at 5 ... ok. my sis was always in there because of the non-so is over 16 .. so we have separated us since my un mudda I was sent back with 50 euros to buy the jacket to -.- I had forgotten how much he has tasted and had my mudda .... NEN wrong price in my head. awesome. so I bought the pants. for the 50 € wneigstens have passed ... well. I then go to the cinema. and my first time 2 1 / 2 hours viewed joker \u0026lt;3 is a first-come on all the details if you have seen him more often ... oh man. So half past seven ausm cinema-starved completely with only one remaining coffee in hand I am then on the way done. to the train station and then there s half a chicken bought at the exorbitant price of 4 € (the spider-ey), but I had sooo sake of it. and still bought flowers .. so tollige carnation-since I could not go over-the woman told me then the last 5 cent were absent, donated a nice woman that would make any non. then only 20 minutes on my ma s-bahn wait ... where I was first approached nice n type where it goes for here cannstadt after __.__ jaaa .... exactly where to go for here with any of the 10,000-s to pave the badcannstadt actually around the corner is and where the vase is .... hm .. naja. I will still thank gottsei (boards using the display) a happy grown bulb ... the type was charming and gutaussehnd ... nice. not my case. but nice. that reminds me ever so well grade a meeting at the railway station when I grad my ticket vending machines at such a solvent, of course I had not, as always, plenty of change -.- I think that is chronic. it never quite goes out ... well I had to give up my ticket for it. care. the guy next to him myself quatscht jednfals n bissl of stupid ... but then there is still quite nice entertainment ne become of it, came out of Nuremberg and Stuttgart in holiday weekend doing something .. anyway I had him to around 23 / estimated 24-no more and no less. jednfals he wanted me in the long of the Stuttgart nightlife kidnap or so .. XD he was a bit shocked when I meant to point out that my mother waiting at home and I still 'm not even quite 16, I could not stay away even longer than up to 10 ... .. well it was entertaining. really.
as I will be so funny on my s-bahn've been waiting I see how bini and these other friends of ... vivis through the crowd past me maneuver (very inconvenient when you are sick but widely distributed as is seen-.-) Well they have me of course ... and welcomes erstma belongs to comply. I think they were a bit surprised to see me ... yes. naja .. I know that not be so good ... a bit volatile. they are nice and funny and you can drink well with them ... but remember I also do not. except that where I do not remember the name probably quite violently in love with him .... is yes. naja. the answer for sin then be injected after a few. Thank God. Then finally came the s-bahn and I had always the smell of chicken in the nose .... oh man. I then got out because I felt like neither Rutesheim bini and her friend to run again on the way to go yet with the bus or waiting for the bus that would take me directly from my front door ... So then I called mama taxi that then a little later, there was something very practical. it has come with the flowers happy. the shell, we will now go on saturday I think ... I hope.
jednfals today is me n bissl boring - it just poured down with rain and really wanted to come by this vivi .. but kp. I know that she will come tomorrow, tomorrow I have (thank God for the last time) captured the dermatologist freeze time because of the wart on the foot I was the last time in saunas have -.- well ... I can not then tomorrow the whole day running .. the good thing about it: I must each dvd ausleihn I \u0026lt;3 wants oh yes. uh it thunders .. \u0026lt;33
jednfals ... I have today rumgekritzelt bissl ... and decided not to come into action .... because I just anybody can job far better themselves at me. I People always think that the distance .. somehow ... even if they always want more .. kp. I stop having it. and the degree n is not good for block .... ne solid relationship I should first learn how to properly enter into ne friendship and to lead ... and then .. I can still come into action. as long as he has to stop .... wait .. finally he has also so his handicap ...
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