Tadaima ~ (Golden Week Part 1)
Sun, Golden Week is over and the day is come upon us again. Now I know that is how Japan looks like in a state of emergency.
I'm duck against all good intentions but with a few other exchange students went to Kamakura to see a few temples. Finally, I've been here, I'm not seen much of traditional Japan and Kamakura is close enough to Tokyo for a day trip. So we are in the morning set off in beautiful weather (the Golden Week has been really lives up to its name) and were two hours later at the station in Kamakura. The train was full and although we had most of the time but are as bad as I had feared was not. The crowd waited until right at the station in Kamakura on us, where were stupid as the worst possible time throughout the year, the ticket machines failed, meaning that collect a few station guards the tickets of people by hand Had to order this runterdurften from the platform.
some point we had finally managed well until the railway station and the crowd broke up a little. And before I begin now to you with the details of the temple visit, bored, here is the short version: According to guide is available in Kamakura 70irgendwas temple. Usually rattles the average tourist as much as how learn in it can, which means also that he sometimes just somewhere to the input and then distributed by the outside shooting a photo or perhaps pay even more to the gift shop a visit before joining the nearest temple opens. We were 12 hours on the road and were looking at exactly a temple. We have identified some Minimum record broken. Well, ol Daibutsu (big Buddha statue), we have made it. We even paid the 20 yen to go inside, we ensure that there is to see nothing inside (which is why it was so so cheap) and then go out again and to say: Yes, we were also IM Daibutsu. ... When would this make any difference. ^ ^; We have not very often been queuing on the day to see NOTHING. Even before some ominous hole in a rock wall, in which every once stuck his head, either on-whatever-done or has amazed as we are with a shrug and "Mon nani nai" moved on to the next line.
We have twice ate great. Noon Ramen (which we had to wait a full half hour because grad in the tiny restaurant is no place for 10 people at one time was, I got straight in my childhood felt back) and evening Okonomiyaki (not that we were hungry, we were all still tired from the more than ample lunch and were just looking for an ice cream, but the store we had been recommended).
And the sharpest, but that we actually a girl from our Berlin university is run across (unfortunately like M-chan and I do not particularly what is presumably based on reciprocity) was. The world is just too small.
All in all it was a great day, though terribly strenuous. The Temple (whose name I have unfortunately already forgotten ... it was Engakuji?) Was beautiful and every corner of the Free blossomed flowers. *___*
have only on the way back, I cursed at every stop all this stupid train passengers who wanted to get off just not while I'm half dead on any handle to go and nothing else in mind than to somehow come to a seat. Well, shit happens .... and indeed in this case twice. ^ ^;
Well, now makes this stupid computer lab and I have not managed to write you a Kommi for your Fic, Nightie. Sorry, I I hope to come tomorrow. m (_ _) m
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